Sunday, February 8, 2015

100th Day of School Activities

I think I've finally recovered from our 100th day of School celebration. The 100th day is one of my very favorite days, but I maintain that it is also the most exhausting (well, right behind field trip days!) Here are some pictures to show you how we celebrated this year.

The 100th day is a day that we anticipate and talk up all year long, so the kids are expecting a party! My teammates and I (and my loving husband) blew up 100 balloons to fill the hallway to add to the excitement. And of course, we each had our own fancy dancy door covering to let the students know that there would be tons of fun upon entering!
Oh yeah. And we dressed up like we were 100 years old, and many of the kids did too. This was about celebrating the number (and the age) 100! I was sure to find a nighty big enough to hide my baby bump a little! 
We made ties out of ribbon and card stock. Together, we made 100 tally marks on our ties (this photo was taken during the process). We also made crowns from my 100th Day Pack
Our 100th Day snack was a big hit! We counted out ten sets of ten before counting them by tens and enjoying. Take a look at the photo of the kids counting out their snacks. Notice the mustaches and glasses? They are from a 5.00 kit that I purchased at Wal-Mart. Even the kids who didn't come to school decked out got to feel festive and have their photo taken looking quite dapper.
We drew portraits of what we would look like when we are 100 years old. I have two options for this in my pack--one with room for writing, and one without. Knowing that I had packed a million things into my plan, I opted to use the quicker option.

The kiddos loved the 100 Hershey Kisses Scavenger Hunt! As they found them around the classroom, they placed them on the corresponding number on our hundreds chart. Of course, they got to eat some chocolate as a snack (sorry about the sugar, parents!)
At least we worked some of that sugar off by doing 100 exercises! This is always a favorite of mine. 
After lunch, I set up four stations. Station 1 was putting together a 100 piece floor puzzle. Station 2 was building with 100 plastic cups. Station 3 was building something with 100 toothpicks and marshmallows, and station 3 was creating something with 100 pattern blocks. Easy and fun!
And yes, I took the kids' pictures using the Aging Booth App. I still find it horrifying, but the kids think it's hilarious and they love to see themselves and their friends this way. This is my own little guy who is demonstrating the creepy fun for us all. 

Here is my 100th day post from last year, if you'd like to get see another idea for the 100th day--making pictures out of the numeral 100. I hope you found an idea you like!


  1. I love your 100 balloons idea!! I bet the kids LOVED that!!! Looks like you had a super fun day!! Hope you have a great week!!

  2. WOW!! What a fun day in your room. Thanks for sharing!
    The Techie Teacher

  3. Tiffany,
    You had awesome 100 day activities. Will definitely use some of them next year. Thanks for sharing!

    Diane Vasquez

  4. I LOVE all of your ideas! I did the plastic cup station last year and my students loved it so much they wanted to take the cups home with them!
